Hearty and Delicious: Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder for Cozy Evenings

Hello, dear reader! Today, I want to share with you a dish that has become a personal favorite of mine – Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder. It’s a delightful blend of creamy sweet potatoes, crunchy corn, and aromatic herbs, creating a cozy symphony of flavors in every spoonful.

My Love Affair with Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder

I still remember the first time I tasted Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder. It was on a chilly winter day, and I was looking for something warm and comforting. The moment I took a spoonful, I was smitten. The creamy sweet potatoes, the crunchy corn, and the aromatic herbs, all combined to create a satisfying and delicious dish.

The Art of Making Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder

Creating Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder is like conducting a symphony. Each ingredient plays a crucial role, contributing to the overall harmony of flavors.

Since we’re skipping the recipe part, let’s delve into some cooking tips that can take your Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder from good to great. These are insights I’ve gathered over years of culinary adventures, and I’m excited to share them with you.

Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder

Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder

Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder

Hello, dear reader! Today, I want to share with you a dish that has become a personal favorite of mine - Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder. It's a delightful blend of creamy sweet potatoes, crunchy corn, and aromatic herbs, creating a cozy symphony of flavors in every spoonful.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Course Soup
Cuisine English
Servings 3 servings
Calories 230 kcal


  • 1 separate pan


  • 1 sweet potato peeled and diced (8-10 ounces)
  • 6 oz corn fresh (frozen is okay, too!)
  • 1 Large onion diced
  • 20 fl oz water
  • 2 oz butter unsalted
  • 2 oz all purpose flour
  • 6 oz heavy cream
  • 6 fl oz whole milk
  • 1 ½ teaspoon dried sage
  • ¼ teaspoon nutmeg grated
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1-2 dash Tabasco sauce
  • 2 teaspoons salt or to taste
  • 1 tablespoon canola oil


  • Heat canola oil over medium heat, add the onion and cook until translucent.
  • Add the sweet potato, corn, water and heavy cream. Bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer and cook until the sweet potatoes are tender (10-15 minutes).
  • Meanwhile, in a separate pan, begin to melt the butter over medium heat to make the roux. Cook until the butter begins to brown, add the sage and stir, and then add the flour until evenly distributed. Be careful—it will burn quickly, so have the sage and flour ready to go in. Stir this constantly to avoid scorching and when it no longer smells like raw flour, whisk in the milk until smooth. Promptly remove from the heat.
  • As soon as the sweet potatoes are finished, whisk in the white sauce from the second pan until evenly incorporated and thickened.
  • Turn off the heat and season with salt, vinegar, Tabasco, and nutmeg.



This Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder is the epitome of comfort food. The velvety texture of the chowder is achieved by blending some of the cooked sweet potatoes, creating a luscious and creamy base. The combination of sweet potatoes and tender corn kernels adds a natural sweetness and delightful crunch to every spoonful.
Keyword Corn, Potato

Cooking Tips

Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder

Creating the perfect Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder is a culinary journey that takes you through the comforting flavors of creamy sweet potatoes, crunchy corn, and aromatic herbs. This comforting delight is a testament to the beauty of simplicity in cooking, where each ingredient shines in its own right while contributing to a harmonious blend of flavors. Here are some tips that I’ve gathered over the years to help you master this heartwarming dish.

  • Choosing the Right Sweet Potatoes: The star of Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder is, of course, the sweet potato. Look for firm, smooth potatoes that are rich in color. The quality of the potatoes can significantly impact the overall taste of the chowder.
  • Don’t Overcook the Potatoes: Overcooking the potatoes can make them mushy and affect the texture of the chowder. Cook the potatoes just until they are fork-tender. This ensures that the potatoes are soft yet hold their shape in the final dish.
  • Use Fresh Corn: Using fresh corn can elevate the flavor of your Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder. The sweetness and crunch of fresh corn kernels add a delightful contrast to the creamy sweet potatoes.
  • Seasoning Matters: Don’t underestimate the power of proper seasoning. A good quality sea salt or kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper can enhance the natural flavors of the sweet potatoes and corn.
  • Add Some Creaminess: For an extra creamy chowder, consider adding some heavy cream or coconut milk. This not only adds richness but also enhances the overall texture of the chowder.
  • Adjust to Taste: The beauty of Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder is that it can be adjusted to taste. If you prefer a spicier chowder, add some chili flakes. If you like it tangier, add a squeeze of lemon juice. The key is to find the balance that suits your palate.
  • Consider the Size of Your Chunks: The size of your sweet potato chunks can affect the texture and flavor of your chowder. If they’re too large, they may not cook evenly or blend well with the other ingredients. If they’re too small, they may become mushy. Aim for bite-sized pieces for the best results.
  • Add Some Protein: For a more substantial chowder, consider adding some protein. Grilled chicken, diced ham, or chickpeas can add a satisfying element to the chowder.
  • Experiment with Different Herbs and Spices: While the traditional recipe for Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder is delicious, don’t be afraid to experiment with different herbs and spices. Fresh thyme, rosemary, or a dash of smoked paprika can give the chowder a unique twist.
  • Let It Simmer: After assembling your chowder, let it simmer for a while before serving. This allows the flavors to meld together and results in a more flavorful chowder.
  • Serve Warm: While Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder can be served at room temperature, serving it warm allows the flavors to shine through more prominently and provides a comforting experience.

Remember, the journey to mastering Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder is filled with trials and errors. So, take your time, enjoy the process, and most importantly, have fun! Each step, from choosing the right potatoes to adding the final garnish, is an opportunity to enhance the dish and create a memorable experience. So embrace these tips, experiment with your own ideas, and relish the joy of sharing this comforting delight with your loved ones.

Serving Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder

Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder

Serving Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder is not just about ladling a soup into a bowl; it’s about creating an experience, a comforting culinary journey that lingers long after the last spoonful has been savored. This heartwarming delight, with its creamy sweet potatoes, crunchy corn, and aromatic herbs, deserves to be served with as much care and attention as it was prepared. Here are some tips and insights I’ve gathered over the years on how to serve Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder in a way that enhances its flavors and creates a memorable dining experience.

  • Choose the Right Bowl: The bowl you choose to serve Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder can enhance its visual appeal and the overall dining experience. A deep, wide bowl works best, showcasing the beautiful colors and textures of the chowder. The charm of the bowl also adds a touch of elegance to the presentation.
  • Temperature Matters: Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder should be served warm, but not so hot that it numbs your taste buds. The warmth intensifies the comforting nature of the chowder, making it even more enticing. If you’re serving it at a gathering, consider preparing the chowder just before serving to ensure it’s fresh and warm.
  • Garnish with Care: When garnishing Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder, do so with care to enhance its visual appeal and flavor. A sprinkle of fresh herbs, a dollop of sour cream, or a handful of crispy bacon bits can add color, texture, and flavor to the chowder.
  • Consider Your Guests’ Preferences: If you know your guests well, consider their preferences when serving Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder. If they prefer a spicier chowder, add some chili flakes. If they like it creamier, add more heavy cream or coconut milk. If they’re adventurous eaters, surprise them with an unusual garnish or a twist in the recipe.
  • Serve with the Right Accompaniments: Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder pairs well with a variety of accompaniments. Consider serving it with some crusty bread for dipping, or a green salad for a complete meal. The comforting flavors of the chowder can complement the accompaniments and create a well-rounded culinary experience.
  • Enjoy the Moment: Finally, remember to enjoy the moment. Serving Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder is an act of hospitality and generosity, a way to share a comforting treat with your loved ones. So take your time, savor the reactions of delight and satisfaction, and bask in the warmth of creating a memorable dining experience.
  • Pair It Right: Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder pairs well with a variety of dishes. Consider serving it with a hearty sandwich or a light fish dish for a complete meal. The creamy flavors of the chowder can complement the food and create a well-rounded culinary experience.
  • Experiment with Flavors: While the traditional recipe for Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder is delicious, don’t be afraid to experiment with other flavors. Adding different vegetables or herbs can give the chowder a unique twist.

Remember, the best way to serve Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder is with love and attention to detail. Each step, from choosing the right bowl to adding the final garnish, is an opportunity to enhance the dish and create a memorable experience. So embrace the process, experiment with different ideas, and most importantly, have fun!


Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder

Over the years, I’ve encountered several questions about Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder. Here are some answers that might satisfy your curiosity:

Can Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder be made with other vegetables?

Absolutely! You can replace the sweet potatoes with other root vegetables like carrots or parsnips.

Can I prepare Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder in advance?

Yes, you can prepare the chowder in advance and reheat it just before serving to ensure a warm and comforting meal.

Can I use frozen corn in this chowder?

While fresh corn is preferred for its sweetness and crunch, frozen corn can be used in a pinch.

What can I serve with Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder?

You can serve it with some crusty bread for dipping, or a green salad for a complete meal.

Is Sweet Potato & Corn Chowder suitable for special occasions?

Absolutely! It’s a comforting and flavorful dish that can add a cozy touch to any meal.

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